Urban planning

Useful Information
Useful Information

Information Leaflets

(Extracts from Urban Planning bylaws – For the full version of the bylaws, visit the page Bylaws).

Useful Information

Tree cutting, pruning and protection
Please note that a permit is required for tree cutting.
The Municipality will issue a tree cutting permit only in the following situations:

  • The tree is dead or has an incurable disease.
  • The tree is threatening the health or safety of residents.
  • The tree is posing a hazard or is damaging public or private property.
  • The tree is standing in the way of a construction project that has been issued a construction permit or certificate of authorization by the Municipality.
  • The tree is preventing a driveway or parking space from being built.
  • The tree is preventing construction work for public purposes.
  • The tree is preventing a property boundary fence from being built.

Permits will not be issued for cutting trees because they are blocking sunlight, are too numerous or are considered to have an unpleasant smell.

Temporary carport
Temporary carports are permitted as follows:

  • A temporary carport is permitted from October 15 to April 15 of the following year.
  • Only one carport or assembled structure per lot is permitted.
  • The carport must be positioned as follows:
    • at least 1 m from property lines
    • at least 1 m from a sidewalk or, if there is no sidewalk, 3 m from the curb
  • The area of the carport must not exceed 38 m².
  • The carport frame must consist of detachable metal tubes and must have a bearing capacity great enough to withstand bad weather.
  • The carport may be lined with canvas, synthetic fabric, polyethylene at least 6 mm thick or any other similar material. The material must be of a single colour, free of stains and tears, and kept in good condition.
  • The carport must be no higher than 2.50 m.
Developing a granny suite
The specific provisions for adding a granny suite are as follows:

  • A granny suite may be added to a single-family dwelling.
  • Only one granny suite may exist in a given dwelling.
  • The person(s) living in the granny suite must have a kindred relationship or relationship through marriage with the property owner(s) or the spouse of the property owner.
  • The area of the granny suite must be no greater than 50% of the floor area of the building, but no less than 15% of the area of the ground floor of the building.
  • An additional entrance for the granny suite is not permitted on the building façade.
  • A granny suite may have only one bedroom.
  • There must be at least one inside entrance on the ground floor between the granny suite and the main dwelling.
  • The granny suite may not be identified or served by a separate address, electrical line or mailbox.
  • No outdoor accessory building, structure or facility may be provided for the granny suite.
  • Dogs must be licensed. Licences are valid for the dog’s life. They can be bought at the Guichet unique at Marie-Uguay library or in municipal buildings, at the cost of $30.
  • On walks, dogs must be kept on a leash no more than 2 m long at all times, except when on the property containing the owner’s residence or in the dog park.
  • No more than two pets may be kept in a given dwelling.
Watering and use of drinking water

A permit is required to water a new lawn. There is no charge for the permit. Simply go to the Land Management reception desk or to the Guichet unique at the Marie-Uguay library. The permit allows you to water your lawn daily between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. and between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m., for 15 consecutive days, starting on the date on which the work began or the date on which the lawn was seeded. Please note that no watering permits are issued between July 1 and August 31.

Otherwise, lawn watering is permitted in NDIP only on Tuesdays and Fridays between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. (if no watering ban has been issued):

More on water taxes

Wood may be stored beside and behind houses, along the walls of the main building. It must be piled in a way that does not block doors or windows. The piles must be no higher than 1.2 m.
Wood may also be stored in a woodshed abutting a detached tool shed or garage. Contact the urban planning department for the complete set of standards.
Service connections
For connection to the water main or sewer main, you must meet an official before a municipal permit can be issued. A deposit will be required and retained until the completion of all work, including the repair of rights of way, paving of the street and repair of any other damage caused. The Municipality must be given advance notice of the construction date so that it may inspect the work performed.
Open air fires
Open air fires are prohibited. Fires must be made in a device designed specifically as an outdoor fireplace. The device must be equipped with a fireguard. It must be positioned at least 2 m from the property lines and 4 m from any building.
Porches and balconies
The Déclaration de conformité des travaux must be completed to add a porch or balcony to your property. Contact the urban planning department for information on the minimum distances allowed between these structures and your property lines.
Built-in and attached garage

A construction permit is required to build a built-in or attached garage on your property. Consult  Garage isolé, attenant ou incorporé to learn about implementations standards and contact the urban planning department for information on the other provisions that apply to this kind of structure.

Gloriette (gazebo)
The Déclaration de conformité des travaux must be completed to build a gloriette on your property.

  • Number per lot: 1
  • Number of storeys: 1
  • Maximum height: 4 m
  • Minimum distance from property lines: 2 m (the minimum distance from a lot line is 1.5 m when the main building is a semi-detached or contiguous structure)
  • Minimum distance from main building: 2 m
  • Minimum distance from other buildings or accessory structures: 1 m (for a lot of 1000 m² or more, a gazebo can be attached to a shed and / or a pergola)
  • Maximum footprint: 21 m² (for a gazebo adjoining a shed, the total area for all accessory buildings must be equal to or less than 25 m²)
  • Specific standards: walls must be at least 50% open or covered with screens
Long grass

Note that it is prohibited to let brush and weeds grow taller than 20 cm on a built up lot and taller than 60 cm on a vacant lot. The minimum fine is $200 plus costs.

Retaining wall
A Déclaration de conformité des travaux or a certificate of authorization is required to build a retaining wall on your property. The standards for a retaining wall are as follows:

  • A retaining wall may be more than 1.5 m high if it is terraced and if each terrace is spaced so that the natural slope of the lot remains unchanged. The width of each terrace must be greater than the average height of the walls on either side. The height of each wall between terraces must not exceed 1.5 m.
  • Each terrace must be grassy or landscaped.
  • If a fence is built less than 1 m from the top of the retaining wall, the combined height of the fence and topmost wall must not exceed 3 m.
  • A retaining wall higher than 1.25 m must be protected by a fence or hedge at least 1.2 m high.
  • Low walls and retaining walls may be built of the following materials:
    • brick
    • natural stone
    • landscape blocks (self-supporting blocks)
    • continuously poured concrete

A nuisance bylaw is in effect within the limits of the Municipality of Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot. The purpose of this bylaw is to ensure peace and quiet and quality of life to all residents. You may contact the urban planning department if a nuisance situation arises. The complete bylaw can be found under Réglementation[Bylaws]

Basketball hoops
We have noticed that the number of basketball enthusiasts is growing, resulting in more portable basketball hoops in the streets. The Municipality is therefore asking for the cooperation of all property owners in ensuring that their basketball hoop is taken off the road right-of-way after each use. Moreover, installing a basketball hoop permanently on a road right-of-way is strictly prohibited.
The Déclaration de conformité des travaux must be completed to build a patio on your property. Contact the urban planning department for information on patio placement standards.
Warning: Pesticide bylaw in effect

In 2002 the Municipality of Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot went green and enacted a bylaw prohibiting pesticide use, with certain exceptions. The purpose of this initiative is to protect children and at-risk persons from the dangers of pesticides, by rigorously monitoring pesticide application and replacing hazardous products with products and techniques that have a low impact on health and the environment.

A free service for residents:
La Ligne verte [the green line]..

To help solve your lawn and garden problems without using pesticides or to determine whether or not the problem warrants the responsible use of chemical pesticides, the Municipality of Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot provides a telephone information line and free on-site consultations. Call the Ligne verte for advice related to horticulture and the environment. This service is available from May to early October.

Look for signs of illegal pesticide or herbicide use. If, following a weed control treatment, you notice spiral-shaped stems on dandelions or other plants, or spoon-shaped leaves on trees or shrubs, a banned synthetic pesticide has almost certainly been used without your knowledge. If this happens, please contact the Ligne verte. An environmental advisor will be pleased to visit your home to allay or confirm your suspicions. Be careful when you sign an agreement with a contractor:

  • Beware of contractors whose so-called natural products may contain banned pesticides (unfortunately, they do exist). Pesticides are prohibited unless the Municipality has issued a permit.
  • Beware of contractors who try to sell you services without having seen and inspected your property.
  • Insist that your property be inspected and that a soil analysis (pH and texture, for example) be performed.
  • Ask questions on the prevention methods used, such as aerating the lawn, top-dressing it with compost, increasing the mowing height and recycling the grass clippings.
  • Check whether or not biodiversity and manual weeding (if required) are mentioned.
  • Ask about the fertilizers used. Are they 100% natural? Such fertilizers may cost more, but they are worth the money.
  • How many treatments are being recommended? Two to three applications of 100% natural fertilizer per year are usually enough. Make sure not to apply fertilizer—unless it is algae liquid—during the hot summer months.
  • Corn gluten meal can be used in the spring as a fertilizer and weed suppressant for lawns. However, watch out for excess nitrogen (N) and avoid using corn gluten meal when the lawn is being reseeded.
  • Ask how insects and diseases that may affect your lawn will be controlled.
    Note: Permitted low-impact pesticides include diatomaceous earth, insecticidal soap (for example Trounce or End All), Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk), borax (for ants), nematodes (for white grubs), sulphur (for fungi and mites), baking soda (for fungi), dormant oil, lime sulphur, corn gluten meal, and garlic- and soap-based products.

Useful websites: SAE Enviro (in French), Le bottin vert [the green directory] of the Montréal Botanical Garden Library and the Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides of Equiterre

Swimming Pools

A certificate of authorization is required to build a swimming pool on your property. The following are the key standards on swimming pools:

  • The pool (and any raised sundeck or in-ground appurtenances) must be at least 2 m from all property lines. If you have a corner lot, please contact the urban planning department for information on the standards that apply.
  • The pool must be at least 2 m from all buildings. It is a matter of safety!
  • The pool must have an enclosure at least 1.32 m high.
  • Notwithstanding the above, if there is a 1.32 m high enclosure around the lot, a secondary enclosure 1.2 m in height may be built to protect the entrance to the pool from the main building.
  • Each door in the enclosure must be equipped with a self-closing and self-latching device located on the inside of the enclosure, near the top of the door.
  • The walls of an above-ground pool may form the enclosure if they are at least 1.32 m high. For portable swimming pools, the walls must be at least 1.4 m high.
  • If a ladder provides direct access to an above-ground pool, the ladder must be equipped with a safety gate that prevents its use.

Filtration and heating system location. A filtration and heating system may be located less than 1 m from the pool wall if the system is installed

  • inside a compliant enclosure
  • under a sundeck or porch
  • in a tool shed
Tree Preservation

When trees must be preserved on a vacant lot on which new construction or expansion work is planned, the following must be observed:

  • The existing ground level on the lot and in particular around the trees must not be changed by using more than 10 cm of backfill or by digging wells around each tree.
  • A well’s diameter must be at least 3 m if the tree trunk diameter is less than 25 cm, or at least 6 m if the tree trunk diameter is greater than 25 cm. This requirement may be reduced on the recommendation of a certified arborist.
  • The trees to be kept must be clearly marked on the construction site and be adequately protected before the start of excavation or construction. Moreover, to avoid smothering the tree roots, all backfilling greater than 10 cm to be performed on the lot requires a certificate of authorization from the urban planning department.
Storage and parking of recreational vehicules and equipment

Recreational equipment must be stored as follows :

  • In the front yard:
    • from May 1 to October 31;
    • for no more than 5 consecutive days;
    • maximum height: 4 metres;
    • maximum lenght: 11.5 metres;
    • in a compliant parking space;
    • à un minimum de 2 mètres du trottoir ou d’une bordure de voie de circulation.
  • En cour latérale et arrière :
    • hauteur maximale de 4 mètres;
    • ne doit pas dépasser la façade du bâtiment principal.
  • Être situé à une distance minimale de 1 mètre d’une ligne latérale ou arrière de terrain;
  • Pour un terrain non-standard, une demande expliquant les motifs d’exemption pourra être remplie par le propriétaire. Cette demande devra minimalement être signée par les voisins immédiats de la propriété (à gauche, à droite et en face) et sera valide pour la durée de vie de l’équipement de récréation. Chaque demande sera accordée ou refusée à la discrétion du département d’urbanisme;
  • À l’intérieur du périmètre urbain, 1 seul équipement de récréation est autorisé en cour avant pour un maximum de 2 par terrain;
  • En zone agricole permanente, 1 seul équipement de récréation est autorisé en cour avant sans limite pour le nombre par terrain pour autant que les équipements de récréation appartiennent au propriétaire ou locataire du terrain;
  • Au sens du présent règlement, est considéré comme 1 équipement de récréation un ensemble de 2 motoneiges, motomarines et véhicules tout terrain;
  • Les équipements de récréation ne peuvent être habités. (Règl. 437-20, art. 11; 437-23, art. 3; 437-26, art. 1)

Recreational equipment must be stored as follows:

  • A recreational vehicle or piece of recreation equipment may not be stored for longer than one week (seven days) in a front yard or for longer than one year in an interior side yard, corner side yard or back yard.
  • A lot may contain up to three pieces of recreation equipment, but only one piece of each kind of equipment.
  • The recreation equipment may not be used as living space.
  • The recreation equipment must not exceed 9.5 m in length or 3 m in height.
  • In the front yard, the recreation equipment must be parked in a compliant parking space and not encroach on the municipal right-of-way.
  • The stored equipment must be at least
    • 1 m from the side lot lines if stored in a front or side yard
    • 2 m from the side and back lot lines if stored in the back yard
    • 4.5 m from a corner lot line
Tool sheds, residential greenhouse and woodsheds

A construction permit is required to build a tool shed, residential greenhouse or woodshed on your property.

Tool shed Residential Greenhouse Woodshed
Number per lot See article 6.2.11 1 1
Number of storeys 1 1 1
Maximum height 4 m 4 m 4 m
Minimum distance from property lines 1.5 m (if the wall has an opening)
1 m (if the wall is blank)
1.5 m 1.5 m
Minimum distance from main building 3 m 3 m 3 m
Minimum distance from other buildings or accessory structures 2 m 2 m 2 m
Maximum footprint See article 6.2.11 25 m² 7.5 m²
Specific standards (1) The woodshed must abut a detached tool shed or garage.
(2) Three sides must be open or covered with a trellis.
(3) Firewood must not be visible from the street.

Motor vehicles must be parked or stored in a dedicated parking space that complies with municipal bylaws. Motor vehicles may not be parked or stored outside elsewhere, including on a lawn. Moreover, motor vehicles may not be parked or stored on a vacant waterfront lot, unless a parking space protected by acquired rights has already been built there. Note that the Déclaration de conformité des travaux must be completed to build a parking space on your property. Contact the urban planning department for information on the other provisions that apply.

Heat pumps and air conditioning units
  • Number per lot: 2
  • Minimum distance from property lines: 2 m
  • Specific standards:
    • The equipment must not be visible from the street.
    • At the edges of the property, the noise from the equipment must not be louder than the noise from the street.
    • A baffle may be installed to reduce equipment noise.
Garage sales

As of spring 2010, garage sales are held only on the dates set out in the municipal bylaws.

  • A permit is no longer required, but you must register, free of charge, by going to the Municipality’s website (under “NDIP en ligne [NDIP Online]”) or by calling 514-453-4128, option 1, extension 3221.
  • The Municipality will advertise the garage sales on its website and on the bulletin board at the tourist information booth in Carrefour Notre-Dame.
  • Residents can use their own garage sale signs. Signs can be installed after 5:00 pm the day before the garage sales (Friday) and must be removed before 8:00 am the next day (Monday for the June weekend and Tuesday for the other two weekends).
    • la fin de semaine de la Journée nationale des patriotes en mai (samedi, dimanche, lundi);
    • la fin de semaine qui précède la Fête nationale en juin (samedi, dimanche);
    • la fin de semaine de la fête du Travail en septembre (samedi, dimanche, lundi).No person shall hold a garage sale or allow a garage sale to be held in Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot, except on the following weekends:


Register your garage sale here.
View the list of garage sales here.


A construction permit is required to build a sunroom on your property.

  • Number per lot: 1
  • Number of storeys: 1
  • Maximum height: Height of the main building
  • Minimum distance from property lines: 2 m
  • Minimum distance from accessory buildings or structures: 2 m
  • Maximum footprint: 30 m²
  • Specific standards:
    • back- and side-yard encroachment must not exceed 2 m
    • pillar-type foundations must not be visible from the street
    • walls are not insulated and must not be equipped with a heating system