Municipal Life

A word from the mayor

City > Municipal Life > A word from the mayor

Dear residents,

At the start of the meeting, we highlighted the Journées de la persévérance scolaire. We congratulate the young people who stay in school, even if it’s not always easy. Our hats are off to all those parents who support their youngsters on a daily basis. This year’s campaign emphasizes the fact that success is not a stroke of luck, but the result of effort, patience and determination. We can’t overlook the passion and patience of all school staff; you guide and motivate young people towards success, a huge thank you.  The City of NDIP has been doing its part by offering Aide aux devoirs for several years now, in collaboration with the Maison de la Famille de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, a service much appreciated by primary school children and their parents. Let’s continue to work together to encourage young people to persevere by valuing their efforts. Everyone will come out a winner, and so will society as a whole.

At the February meeting, a citizen asked about the origin and relevance of the flyer placed in our mailboxes concerning the merger of the 4 towns. I reiterate that the current council will not commission the study requested by this organization, which is not recognized by NDIP, and that this flyer is absolutely not an initiative of the City.

The majority of the council and I are relying first and foremost on collaborations, which have proven their worth not only in reducing municipal costs but also in expanding services to citizens. There are many examples of the failure of mergers and even demergers. Let’s start with a healthy, collaborative city and invest in living together now.

A very happy Valentine’s Day to you all!

Your mayor,