Municipal Life

A word from the mayor

City > Municipal Life > A word from the mayor

Dear residents,

Contrary to our usual practice, the March meeting was not broadcast live. Due to recent technical challenges, we recorded the meeting and broadcast it the following day on our website and FB page. Further tests will be carried out with a view to offering the live broadcast again at the next meeting. For me and the Council, it’s very important to make all municipal news accessible. Of course, council meetings are open to all, but we are aware that the Tuesday early-evening schedule may be less convenient for some families. Fortunately, social media also have their positive aspects, making municipal news accessible to a large number of NDIP residents. Whether you’re listening to the sessions live or on replay, I invite you to write to us or contact us if you have any questions or comments.

At the March meeting, the city council adopted the by-law concerning the internal management of meetings at Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot. After questioning the MAMH, we verified the rules governing meetings and confirmed that our procedures at NDIP comply in all respects with provincial regulations. It should be emphasized that in the course of a meeting, it is not essential to call for a vote on every resolution. However, at any time, a councillor may publicly express a vote against a resolution. We deliberate on all agenda items in plenary session, and present the results of our discussions each month in a calm and orderly fashion. We all agree that our meetings should not become a circus. Our priority is to move forward, to make decisions transparently, and to do so for the benefit of all NDIP residents.

The first signs of spring are showing. The natural ice rinks in our parks have been closed for some time now. The refrigerated rink in Parc des Éperviers will be open until March 25. After a great winter season, this infrastructure will be ready to host other activities for the summer. The roof will be useful year-round.

In closing, I invite you not to miss the St. Patrick’s Market on Saturday, March 15 at Carrefour Notre-Dame, and to register for the expert conference on how to protect your home from flooding and sewer backup. The conference will be held at Carrefour Notre-Dame on Tuesday, March 25 at 7 p.m.

Happy March!

Your mayor,