Public Works

311 Service
3-1-1. How may I help you? A winning combination!
The reason behind 3-1-1
The 3-1-1 service was introduced by the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Regional County Municipality (RCM) and other organizations that had already implemented 9-1-1 emergency services, to reduce the 9-1-1 call centre congestion resulting from large numbers of non-urgent calls, mostly regarding public works.
When to call 3-1-1?
Call 9-1-1 to request police, firefighting and ambulance services, and call 3-1-1 regarding other municipal services, for example water main breaks, roadblocks and public works.
The 3-1-1 service is not an information or municipal government service; therefore, each municipality continues to have its own telephone number. When you call 3-1-1, des répartiteurs ou répartitrices traitent de vive voix l’ensemble des appels logés, et ce, 24 heures sur 24, 365 jours par année, et les mesures nécessaires sont prises selon les procédures conséquentes et appropriées à la demande.
Street Lighting
Inspection and unidirectional flushing of water system
Please note that the municipality’s water system will be inspected and flushed starting on April 26, 2021. Work will be carried out between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.
During that time, certain precautionary measures must be taken (for example, storing drinking water and completing any washing), since the water pressure may drop and the water may turn red as a result of rust particles.
If rust appears, you should open your cold water taps and run the water until it is clear. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this maintenance work. For more information, please contact Land Management.
Information: 514-453-4128